Error and Warning Codes
The following is a list of possible error/warning codes:
Code | Name and Description | HTTP Status Code |
1 | username_invalid The username is incorrectly formatted. Your username should be a valid email address. | 400 |
2 | password_invalid The password is invalid. Your password should be 6 characters or more. | 400 |
3 | http_vars_missing This script is missing some required variables which must be submitted. | 400 |
4 | http_request_method_not_allowed This HTTP method is not allowed for this API call | 405 |
5 | password_error_or_non_existent Username and password do not match any on record | 400 |
6 | no_valid_session The user needs to be logged in and a valid session key needs to be sent | 401 |
7 | user_username_invalid The user_username passed must be a valid email address | 400 |
8 | user_username_not_present The user_username variable must be passed | 400 |
14 | user_username_not_permitted The user_username passed must be the same as for the valid session | 500 |
15 | business_id_invalid The business_id passed must be an integer | 500 |
16 | business_id_not_present The business_id must be passed | 500 |
20 | product_id_invalid The product_id passed must be an integer or comma-separated list of integers with no spaces | 500 |
21 | product_id_not_present The product_id must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
22 | no_http_method A valid HTTP method, GET, POST, PUT or DELETE must be used | 500 |
23 | http_method_error Something is wrong with the HTTP method processing | 500 |
30 | product_name_too_long The product_name name must be 255 characters or less | 500 |
31 | product_description_too_long The product_description must be 1024 characters or less | 500 |
32 | no_parameters_passed Valid parameters must be passed | 500 |
33 | user_not_permitted_this_business This user is not permitted to make changes to this business | 500 |
34 | product_manufacturer_too_long The product_manufacturer must be 64 characters or less | 500 |
35 | product_brand_too_long The product_brand must be 64 characters or less | 500 |
36 | product_ean_code_too_long The product_ean_code must be a number 10 digits or less | 500 |
37 | product_ean_code_incorrect_format The product_ean_code must be a number between 1 and 10 digits | 500 |
38 | product_weight_g_incorrect The product_weight_g must be a number between 1 and 16 digits | 500 |
39 | product_length_cm_incorrect The product_length_cm must be a number between 1 and 16 digits | 500 |
40 | product_width_cm_incorrect The product_width_cm must be a number between 1 and 16 digits | 500 |
41 | product_height_cm_incorrect The product_height_cm must be a number between 1 and 16 digits | 500 |
42 | product_volume_cm3_incorrect The product_volume_cm3 must be a number between 1 and 16 digits | 500 |
43 | product_colour_incorrect The product_colour must be 64 characters or less | 500 |
44 | product_year_of_manufacture_incorrect The product_year_of_manufacture must be a number between 1 and 4 digits | 500 |
45 | category_id_invalid The category_id must be an integer or comma-separated list of integers with no spaces | 500 |
46 | inventory_published_status_incorrect The inventory_published_status must be either 1 for published or 0 for unpublished | 500 |
47 | inventory_stock_status_incorrect The inventory_stock_status must be either 2 for in stock 1 for low stock or 0 for out of stock | 500 |
48 | inventory_quantity_incorrect The inventory_quantity must be a number between 1 and 10 digits | 500 |
49 | inventory_condition_incorrect The inventory_condition must be either new or used | 500 |
50 | inventory_price_blank The inventory_price must not be blank | 500 |
51 | inventory_price_not_decimal The inventory_price must be a decimal up to 8 digits before and 2 after the decimal place | 500 |
52 | missing_necessary_parameters One of more of the required parameters is missing | 500 |
53 | inventory_published_expiry_date_incorrect The inventory_published_expiry_date must be a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format | 500 |
54 | session_key_invalid The session_key value is incorrectly formatted. The session key should be 64 alphanumeric characters. | 500 |
55 | duplicate_primary_image Only one POSTed image is allowed to be primary. | 500 |
56 | imagefile_name_format The name of the POSTed value for the image must be imagefile_X, where X is a digit between 0 and 9. | 500 |
57 | imagefile_primary_invalid The primary image is invalid. | 500 |
58 | imagefile_not_present No image file is present. | 500 |
59 | imagefile_incorrect_name Image parameter must be named imagefile. | 400 |
60 | imagefile_invalid The image file is invalid. File problem or size, width or height outside allowed parameters. | 500 |
61 | imagefile_unable_to_write Unable to validate and rewrite image file. | 500 |
63 | search_string_length_error The search string must be 256 characters or less. | 500 |
64 | search_string_not_present A search_string parameter must be present. | 500 |
65 | image_seq_num_invalid The image_seq_num passed must be an integer between 0 and 9 | 400 |
66 | image_seq_num_not_present The image_seq_num must be passed as a parameter | 400 |
67 | image_seq_num_already_present An image with this sequence number already exists. POST using another image_seq_num or use PUT method to change existing image. | 400 |
68 | permission_denied_or_non_existent This user has insufficient permissions for this object or the object does not exist. | 500 |
69 | entity_no_current_images There are no current images listed for this entity. | 500 |
70 | image_primary_invalid The image_primary parameter must be set to 1. | 500 |
71 | image_primary_not_present The image_primary parameter must be set. | 500 |
72 | image_already_primary The image is already set to primary. | 500 |
73 | image_not_present The image sequence number referred to is not listed for this entity. | 500 |
74 | image_primary_delete_last The image with this sequence number is set to primary. Delete other images first. | 500 |
75 | chain_or_business_id_required This API requires either a valid chain_id or business_id to be supplied. Cannot be both. | 500 |
76 | chain_id_invalid The chain_id passed must be an integer | 500 |
77 | product_add_to_business_chain_member The business is part of a chain. Products can only be added at chain level. | 500 |
78 | inventory_condition_compulsory An inventory_condition parameter must be supplied and can be new or used. | 500 |
79 | inventory_published_status_compulsory An inventory_published_status parameter must be supplied and can be 0 or 1. | 500 |
80 | inventory_stock_status_compulsory An inventory_stock_status parameter must be supplied and can be 0, 1 or 2. | 500 |
81 | product_not_associated_with_business No record can be found of this product being available for this business or the chain it may be a member of. | 500 |
82 | chain_id_required This API requires a valid chain_id to be supplied. | 500 |
83 | product_id_or_category_id_required This API requires either a valid product_id or category_id to be supplied. Cannot be both. | 500 |
84 | miscellaneous_data_error A data error of a highly miscellaneous nature has occurred. | 500 |
85 | inventory_id_invalid The inventory_id passed must be an integer | 500 |
86 | inventory_id_not_present The inventory_id must be passed | 500 |
87 | incorrect_inventory_id_business_id_combo No record has been found for that inventory_id at that business_id | 500 |
88 | missing_or_invalid_inventory_delete_bulk The inventory_delete_bulk flag must be passed as a parameter and must be set to 1 | 500 |
89 | product_inventory_not_deleted There are still live inventory items matching this product_id. Please delete them first. | 500 |
90 | product_id_not_found No record has been found for that product_id | 404 |
91 | inventory_currency_id_invalid The inventory_currency_id passed must be an integer 4 digits or less | 500 |
92 | inventory_currency_id_not_present The inventory_currency_id must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
93 | inventory_size_too_long The inventory_size must be 10 characters or less | 500 |
94 | inventory_colour_too_long The inventory_colour must be 32 characters or less | 500 |
95 | search_colour_length_error The search_colour string must be 256 characters or less. | 500 |
96 | gender_value_error The gender value submitted must be one of m/M or f/F. | 500 |
97 | adult_child_value_error The adult_child value sbumitted must be one of a/A or c/C. | 500 |
98 | lat_long_both_required Both decimal latitude and longitude must be supplied | 500 |
99 | lat_long_invalid Both latitude and longitude must be decimal degrees. Lat max +/- 90, long max +/- 180. | 500 |
100 | search_brand_length_error The search_brand string must be 256 characters or less. | 500 |
101 | search_radius_km_invalid Search radius must be one of an agreed set of values in kilometres. | 500 |
102 | nuclear_option_invalid The nuclear_option parameter can only be set to 1. | 500 |
103 | inventory_auto_added_invalid The inventory_auto_added value can only be set to 0 or 1. | 500 |
104 | fb_page_id_invalid The fb_page_id value must be an integer and can be up to 10 digits long. | 500 |
105 | fb_page_id_not_present The fb_page_id parameter must be passed. | 500 |
106 | fb_page_id_already_in_use The Facebook page_id supplied is already associated with another business or chain. | 500 |
107 | product_published_status_invalid The product_published_status value can only be set to 0 or 1. | 500 |
108 | fb_page_name_invalid The Facebook page_name supplied can be up to 256 characters. | 500 |
109 | fb_page_link_invalid The Facebook page_link supplied can be up to 256 characters. | 500 |
110 | fb_page_link_not_present The fb_page_link parameter must be passed. | 500 |
111 | fb_page_info_json_invalid The Facebook page_info_json supplied can be up to 1024 characters. | 500 |
112 | fb_page_info_json_not_present The fb_page_info_json parameter must be passed. | 500 |
113 | fb_app_business_chain_missing_parameters One of the following parameters must be passed - fb_page_id, business_id or chain_id. | 500 |
114 | fb_app_business_chain_too_many_parameters Only one of the following parameters can be passed - fb_page_id, business_id or chain_id. | 500 |
117 | search_owner_code_length_error The search_owner_code string must be 64 characters or less. | 500 |
118 | business_id_distance_search_incompatible It is not possible to search both by business_id and by lat, long, distance. | 500 |
119 | product_size_invalid The product_size value must be a string 10 characters or less. | 500 |
120 | product_name_not_present The product_name value must be passed. | 500 |
121 | product_manufacturer_not_present The product_manufacturer value must be passed. | 500 |
122 | category_id_not_present The category_id value must be passed. | 500 |
123 | product_currency_id_invalid The product_currency_id passed must be an integer 4 digits or less | 500 |
124 | business_name_invalid The business_name passed must be 128 characters or less | 500 |
125 | business_description_invalid The business_description must be 512 characters or less | 500 |
126 | business_address_1_invalid The business_address_1 value must be 128 characters or less | 500 |
127 | business_address_2_invalid The business_address_2 value must be 128 characters or less | 500 |
128 | business_address_3_invalid The business_address_3 value must be 128 characters or less | 500 |
129 | business_towncity_invalid The business_towncity value must be 56 characters or less | 500 |
130 | business_region_invalid The business_region value must be 56 characters or less | 500 |
131 | business_postalcode_invalid The business_postalcode value must be 20 characters or less | 500 |
132 | business_country_code_invalid The business_country_code value must be 2 characters | 500 |
133 | business_latitude_invalid The business_latitude must be a decimal degree value, max +/- 90. | 500 |
134 | business_longitude_invalid The business_longitude must be a decimal degree value, max +/- 180. | 500 |
135 | business_email_address_invalid The business_email_address value passed must be a valid email address | 500 |
136 | business_phone_number_invalid The business_phone_number value passed must be a valid phone number - can contain digits and spaces plus these characters - ().+- | 500 |
137 | business_fax_number_invalid The business_fax_number value passed must be a valid fax number - can contain digits and spaces plus these characters - ().+- | 500 |
138 | business_website_url_invalid The business_website_url value passed must be a valid URL. | 500 |
139 | business_facebook_url_invalid The business_facebook_url value passed must be a valid URL. | 500 |
140 | business_twitter_username_invalid The business_twitter_username value passed must be a valid Twitter username - letters, numbers and underscores only, max 15 chars. | 500 |
141 | business_linkedin_url_invalid The business_linkedin_url value passed must be a valid Linkedin URL. | 500 |
142 | business_currency_id_invalid The business_currency_id passed must be an integer 4 digits or less | 500 |
143 | business_owner_code_invalid The business_owner_code must be 32 characters or less | 500 |
144 | business_id_not_found No record has been found for that business_id | 500 |
145 | search_size_too_long The search_size must be 10 characters or less | 500 |
146 | product_web_url_invalid The product_web_url value passed must be a valid URL. | 500 |
147 | product_currency_id_does_not_exist The product_currency_id passed must exist in the list of currencies available | 500 |
148 | category_id_does_not_exist The category_id passed must exist in the list of categories available. See the category-tree public API. | 500 |
149 | fb_access_token_invalid The fb_access_token passed must be alphanumeric and between 1 and 2048 characters long. | 500 |
150 | fb_access_token_expiry_invalid The fb_access_token_expiry passed must be numeric and between 1 and 8 digits long. | 500 |
151 | fb_graph_api_access_failed Failed to contact the Facebook Graph API. | 500 |
152 | fb_oauth_exception OAuth problem accessing Facebook with your access token. | 400 |
153 | fb_graph_misc_exception Facebook reports a miscellaneous error accessing the Graph API. | 500 |
154 | user_id_invalid The user_id passed must be an integer up to 10 digits long | 400 |
155 | user_id_not_present The user_id parameter must be passed | 400 |
156 | product_price_missing or blank The product_price must not be missing or blank | 500 |
157 | product_price_not_decimal The product_price must be a decimal up to 7 digits before and 2 after the decimal place | 500 |
158 | var_price_gender_invalid The gender value submitted must be one of m/M or f/F | 500 |
159 | base_price_threshold_invalid The base_price_threshold value must be a decimal between 0.01 and 0.99 | 500 |
160 | base_price_threshold_not_present The base_price_threshold value must be passed | 500 |
161 | weighting_gender_invalid The weighting_gender passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
162 | gender_parameter_not_present When gender is passed, both gender and weighting_gender values must both be passed. | 500 |
163 | age_range_low_invalid The age_range_low passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 99 | 500 |
164 | age_range_high_invalid The age_range_low passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 99 | 500 |
165 | weighting_age_range_invalid The weighting_age_range passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
167 | weighting_mailing_list_parent_entity_invalid The weighting_mailing_list_parent_entity passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
168 | weighting_missing_parameters One of the following parameters must be passed - weighting_gender, weighting_age_range or weighing_mailing_list_parent_entity. | 500 |
169 | age_range_parameter_not_present When age_range is passed, all of age_range_low, age_range_high and weighting_age_range values must both be passed. | 500 |
170 | var_price_record_already_present There is already a variable price record for this product. Please delete it before adding another one. | 500 |
171 | age_range_high_low_mismatch The age_range_high value must be higher than the age_range_low value. | 500 |
172 | weighting_fb_share_link_invalid The weighting_fb_share_link passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
173 | var_price_id_invalid The var_price_id passed must be an integer or comma-separated list of integers with no spaces | 500 |
174 | var_price_id_not_present The var_price_id must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
175 | var_price_id_not_found No record has been found for that var_price_id | 500 |
176 | no_valid_session_auth_method_facebook The user needs to be logged in via Facebook, a valid session key needs to be sent. Also the Facebook access token may have expired, try renewing. | 500 |
177 | age_range_low_too_high The age_range_low passed must be lower than the existing age_range_high value in the Spaaza system | 500 |
178 | age_range_high_too_low The age_range_high passed must be higher than the existing age_range_low value in the Spaaza system | 500 |
179 | voucher_id_invalid The voucher_id passed must be an integer | 500 |
180 | claim_id_not_present The claim_id must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
181 | voucher_key_invalid The voucher_key value is incorrectly formatted. The claim key should be 64 alphanumeric characters. | 500 |
182 | voucher_key_not_present The voucher_key must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
183 | voucher_not_found No voucher has been found matching this voucher_key or voucher_id. | 404 |
184 | var_price_claim_date_expired The latest date to claim this variable price has already expired. | 500 |
185 | var_price_claim_status_claimed This variable price has already been claimed. | 500 |
186 | var_price_claim_status_redeemed This variable price has already been claimed and verified by the shop | 500 |
187 | var_price_claim_authentication_failure This user is not entitled to claim this variable price | 500 |
188 | claim_code_not_present The claim_code must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
189 | claim_code_invalid The claim_code must be an integer under 10 digits in length | 500 |
190 | claim_view_type_not_present The claim_view_type must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
191 | claim_view_type_invalid The claim_view_type must be set to either retailer or user | 500 |
192 | claim_not_found No valid claim has been found matching this claim_code. | 500 |
193 | var_price_claim_status_unclaimed This variable price has not yet been claimed and may have expired. | 500 |
194 | product_owner_code_invalid The product_owner_code passed can be up to 32 characters in length | 500 |
195 | customer_email_address_invalid The customer_email_address value passed must be a valid email address | 500 |
196 | customer_email_address_not_present The customer_email_address parameter must be passed | 500 |
197 | customer_firstname_invalid The customer_firstname value passed must be a valid name | 500 |
198 | customer_firstname_not_present The customer_firstname parameter must be passed | 500 |
199 | customer_lastname_invalid The customer_lastname value passed must be a valid name | 500 |
200 | customer_lastname_not_present The customer_lastname parameter must be passed | 500 |
201 | inventory_id_not_in_stock The inventory_id supplied is for an item which is no longer in stock. | 500 |
202 | inventory_reservation_id_invalid The inventory_reservation_id value passed must be an integer up to 10 digits in length | 500 |
203 | inventory_reservation_id_not_present The inventory_reservation_id parameter must be passed | 500 |
204 | inventory_reservation_status_invalid The inventory_reservation_status value passed must be either 1, 2, or 3 | 500 |
205 | inventory_reservation_status_not_present The inventory_reservation_status parameter must be passed | 500 |
206 | inventory_reservation_id_not_found The inventory_reservaton_id supplied could not be found. | 500 |
207 | customer_phone_number_invalid The customer_phone_number value passed must be a valid phone number - can contain digits and spaces plus these characters - ().+- | 500 |
209 | include_expired_invalid The include_expired value passed must be either 0 or 1 | 500 |
210 | claim_status_invalid The claim_status value passed must be either 0, 1 or 2. | 500 |
211 | weighting_fixed_invalid The weighting_fixed passed must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
212 | claim_id_not_found No record has been found for that claim_id for that user with status = claimed | 500 |
213 | age_range_custom_string_invalid The age_range_custom_string value must be a string 32 characters or less | 500 |
214 | user_entity_card_not_found No user entity card has been found for that user at that entity | 400 |
215 | unmatched_user_id The user_id parameter supplied does not match that of the session or other parameter supplied | 400 |
216 | voucher_status_invalid The voucher_status value passed must be either 0, 1 or 2. | 500 |
217 | chain_id_not_found No record has been found for that chain_id | 400 |
218 | entity_short_code_invalid The entity_short_code parameter must be maximum 16 alphanumeric characters | 500 |
219 | entity_short_code_not_present The entity_short_code parameter must be passed | 500 |
220 | entity_short_code_not_found No record has been found for that entity_short_code | 500 |
221 | weighting_birthday_invalid The weighting_birthday parameter must be an integer (whole number) between 0 and 10 | 500 |
222 | birthday_range_days_invalid The birthday_range_days parameter must be an integer (whole number) between 1 and 99 | 500 |
223 | birthday_range_period_invalid The birthday_range_period parameter must be an integer, either 0, 1 or 2 | 500 |
225 | chain_or_business_id_combi_required This API requires either a valid chain_id or business_id if user_entity_code is also supplied. Cannot be both. | 500 |
226 | user_entity_code_not_present The user_entity_code parameter must be passed if the claim_code parameter is not being used | 500 |
227 | user_entity_code_invalid The user_entity_code parameter must be an integer between 1 and 13 digits in length | 500 |
228 | auth_method_invalid The given auth_method parameter has an invalid value. | 500 |
229 | json_post_expected This API call expects a JSON POST payload (application/json). | 400 |
230 | entity_not_found The requested entity was not found. | 500 |
231 | currency_not_found The given currency passed must exist in the list of currencies available | 500 |
233 | product_not_part_of_entity You can only add items to a basket which belong to the same entity. | 500 |
234 | user_already_exists There is already an account using this email address. Please login or use a different email address. | 400 |
237 | date_value_error The submitted date must be in the format YYYY-mm-dd. | 500 |
238 | myprice_app_not_found The MyPrice app you requested was not found. | 500 |
239 | user_id_not_permitted The user_id passed must be the same as for the valid session | 500 |
240 | linking_existing_identity The identity you are trying to link to this account is already in the system. | 500 |
241 | fb_deauthorise_error The Facebook deauthorise request did not succeed. | 500 |
242 | product_without_var_price This product does not have a var price | 500 |
243 | inventory_id_not_found The inventory_id supplied could not be found. | 500 |
244 | campaign_id_invalid The campaign_id passed must be an integer | 400 |
245 | campaign_id_not_present The campaign_id must be passed as a parameter | 400 |
246 | campaign_id_not_found The campaign_id supplied could not be found. | 500 |
247 | campaign_rule_id_invalid The campaign_rule_id passed must be an integer | 500 |
248 | campaign_rule_id_not_present The campaign_rule_id must be passed as a parameter | 500 |
249 | campaign_rule_id_not_found The campaign_rule_id supplied could not be found. | 500 |
250 | inventory_owner_code_not_found The inventory_owner_code supplied could not be found. | 500 |
251 | user_location_invalid The input for user location was invalid. | 500 |
252 | basket_currency_missing The basket_currency information is missing from the basket. | 500 |
253 | inventory_barcode_missing The inventory_barcode value is missing. | 500 |
254 | inventory_barcode_invalid The inventory_barcode value supplied is invalid - must be an integer 25 digits or less. | 500 |
255 | inventory_barcode_id_invalid The inventory_barcode_id value supplied is invalid - must be an integer 10 digits or less. | 500 |
256 | inventory_barcode_id_not_present The inventory_barcode_id value must be supplied. | 500 |
257 | inventory_barcode_id_not_found The inventory_barcode_id value was not found. | 500 |
258 | inventory_barcode_not_present The inventory_barcode value is missing. | 500 |
259 | inventory_barcode_already_present The inventory_barcode value is already present for the inventory_id submitted. | 500 |
260 | product_season_too_long The product_season must be 64 characters or less | 500 |
261 | colour_tags_required The colour_tags property must be set. | 500 |
262 | app_platform_type_not_allowed The app_platform_type submitted is not permitted. | 400 |
263 | invalid_operator_type The operator_type property has an invalid value. | 400 |
264 | myprice_app_without_entity The requested MyPrice app does not have an entity associated with it. | 400 |
265 | authorization_invalid The given authorization header is invalid. | 400 |
266 | access_token_invalid The given access token is invalid. | 401 |
267 | no_valid_user A valid username needs to be specified | 401 |
268 | no_privileged_auth Privileged auth is required | 401 |
269 | no_myprice_app Myprice app is required | 400 |
270 | user_not_found No user was found | 404 |
271 | basket_promos_active Basket promotions are active and take precedence | 400 |
272 | hasher_type_invalid Invalid hasher_type, must be integer 1-3 in length | 400 |
273 | voucher_amount_invalid Invalid voucher amount, not enough credit or negative amount supplied | 400 |
274 | magento_oauth_exception Wij hebben een technisch probleem. Onze support team is op de hoogte gebracht | 400 |
275 | magento_unexpected_response Unexpected response from Magento | 400 |
276 | legacy_loyalty_not_found This app does not have a legacy loyalty programme associated with it | 400 |
277 | legacy_loyalty_already_merged The legacy loyalty account for this user has already been merged | 400 |
278 | postalcode_invalid The postal code submitted is in an invalid format | 400 |
279 | magento_unauthorised Ongeldige combinatie gebruikersnaam/email en wachtwoord. Nog een keer proberen aub. | 401 |
280 | voucher_locked This voucher cannot be deleted currently. | 401 |
281 | demandware_oauth_exception Wij hebben een technisch probleem. Onze support team is op de hoogte gebracht | 500 |
282 | demandware_unauthorised Ongeldige combinatie gebruikersnaam/email en wachtwoord. Nog een keer proberen aub. | 401 |
283 | demandware_unexpected_response Unexpected response from the authentication server | 400 |
284 | product_variant_id_not_found No record has been found for that product_variant_id | 401 |
285 | product_variant_id_not_present The product_variant_id must be passed as a parameter | 401 |
286 | product_id_and_variant_id_not_allowed You cannot get both product_id and product_variant_id parameters | 401 |
287 | product_id_and_product_variant_id_not_found You must pass one of the product_id or product_variant_id parameters | 401 |
288 | voucher_status_claimed The voucher has already been claimed or redeemed. | 401 |
289 | demandware_unexpected_customer_count Unexpected number of matching customers in Demandware | 500 |
290 | mailing_list_not_activated The mailing-list for this app is not activated | 401 |
291 | mailing_list_subscribed_boolean_required The mailing_list_subscribed parameter must be boolean | 401 |
292 | mailing_list_sub_offered_boolean_required The mailing_list_sub_offered parameter must be boolean | 401 |
293 | voucher_update_ongoing This voucher cannot be modified currently. | 500 |
294 | invalid_voucher_status This voucher is not in the correct state for this action. | 400 |
295 | no_url_for_proxied_image Could not generate a URL to proxy to. | 404 |
296 | data_update_conflict Unable to update the database due to data conflict. | 500 |
297 | s3_upload_failed Could not upload file to S3. | 500 |
298 | facebook_email_missing Facebook user has no email address. | 400 |
299 | legacy_loyalty_number_invalid Invalid legacy loyalty number. | 400 |
300 | currency_amount_invalid Invalid currency amount. Amount must be float with . decimal separator if supplied | 400 |
301 | currency_amount_not_present A currency amount must be supplied | 400 |
302 | log_message_not_present A text log_message parameter must be supplied | 400 |
303 | amount_above_daily_user_max The amount supplied is above the daily maximum for the user | 401 |
304 | max_manual_daily_amount_not_present The max_manual_daily_amount parameter must be supplied | 400 |
305 | unmatched_entities The chain or business of the supplied objects do not match | 400 |
306 | missing_transaction Database transaction error | 500 |
307 | too_many_failed_logins Too many failed login attempts within a certain time period | 403 |
308 | original_basket_not_found Could not find the original basket for the ID specified | 400 |
309 | original_basket_item_not_found Could not find the original basket item for the owner code specified | 400 |
310 | return_quantity_exceeds_original_quantity The quantity returned exceeds the quantity in the original basket item | 400 |
311 | basket_already_exists A basket with this owner code has already been submitted | 400 |
312 | invalid_my_price_app Myprice app not allowed with this chain | 400 |
313 | insufficient_balance The amount supplied is more than the current balance | 400 |
314 | create_platform_endpoint_failed Unable to create notification endpoint | 500 |
315 | delete_platform_endpoint_failed Unable to delete notification endpoint | 500 |
316 | parameter_supplied_not_boolean One of the parameters supplied must be boolean and is not | 400 |
317 | feature_toggle_not_found The feature toggle supplied could not be found | 404 |
318 | feature_toggle_value_not_supplied A feature toggle value is required | 400 |
319 | return_item_not_negative_value A return item must have negative value | 400 |
320 | opt_in_programme_not_activated The opt-in programme for this app is not activated | 400 |
321 | programme_opted_in_boolean_required The programme_opted_in parameter must be boolean | 400 |
322 | secondary_email_invalid The secondary email is incorrectly formatted. | 400 |
323 | voucher_status_redeemed The voucher has already been claimed or redeemed. | 400 |
324 | illegal_user_purchase_progress_amount This amount is not permitted | 400 |
325 | invalid_nonce The provided nonce is invalid | 400 |
326 | expired_nonce The provided nonce has expired | 400 |
327 | nonce_already_used The provided nonce has already been used | 400 |
328 | wallet_not_found No wallet was found for this chain | 400 |
329 | export_not_supported Entity cannot be exported | 400 |
330 | server_error Unexpected server error | 500 |
331 | receipt_not_found No receipt could be found for this transaction | 400 |
332 | saving_basket_error Database error - unable to process | 500 |
333 | failed_logging_basket_event Unable to log basket to analytics pipeline | 400 |
334 | dispatching_add_basket_event_error Unable to publish topic | 400 |
335 | unknown_receipt_member This basket does not belong to a known member | 400 |
336 | unknown_receipt This receipt cannot be found | 400 |
337 | basket_platform_type_unrecognised The basket_platform_type or app_platform_type is missing or unrecognised. | 400 |
338 | userfile_not_present No user file is present. | 400 |
339 | userfile_incorrect_name Userfile parameter must be named userfile. | 400 |
400 | userfile_not_csv The userfile uploaded parameter must be a valid CSV file with extension .csv | 400 |
401 | file_upload_failed The file upload failed | 400 |
402 | file_too_big The file uploaded is too big | 400 |
403 | campaign_type_not_supported This type of campaign is not supported | 400 |
404 | user_id_or_member_number_required Either a user_id or a member_number parameter is required | 400 |
405 | entity_mismatch The entities or chains supplied do not match | 400 |
406 | wallet_not_redeemable It is not possible to create or redeem vouchers for this wallet | 400 |
407 | calculation_error There has been a calculation error | 400 |
408 | saving_object_error Database error - unable to process | 500 |
409 | operand_campaign_mismatch The operand campaign parameter does not match another parameter | 400 |
410 | parameter_not_numeric A required numeric parameter is not numeric | 400 |
411 | parameter_not_in_whitelist The parameter supplied is not in the list of permitted values | 400 |
412 | parameter_type_mismatch The parameter supplied should be of a different type | 400 |
413 | campaign_not_found The campaign was not found | 400 |
416 | multiple_parameter_mismatch Multiple parameters supplied when fewer are required | 400 |
417 | string_parameter_too_long One of the parameters passed is too long | 400 |
419 | parameter_invalid One of the parameters is invalid and should be in a different format | 400 |
420 | country_code_invalid The country code must be in ISO ALPHA-2 two-letter format | 400 |
421 | s3_operation_failed Could not carry out S3 operation. | 400 |
422 | update_not_permitted It is not permitted to carry out this update. | 400 |
423 | parameter_supplied_not_integer One of the parameters supplied must be an integer and is not | 400 |
424 | access_denied Access is denied | 400 |
425 | missing_default_authentication_point_multisite This authentication point is multisite and not configured with a default multisite ID | 400 |
426 | member_number_range_invalid member_number value received is higher than set max allowed value for myprice app | 400 |
427 | member_number_duplicate member number value has already been used for the current myprice app | 400 |
428 | parameter_combination_not_allowed The combination of parameters supplied is not allowed | 400 |
429 | magento_2_api_exception Wij hebben een technisch probleem. Onze support team is op de hoogte gebracht | 400 |
430 | magento_2_unexpected_response Unexpected response from Magento 2 | 400 |
431 | objects_exceed_maximum_quantity More than the maximum permitted number of objects | 400 |
432 | dispatching_sns_error Unable to publish to SNS topic | 400 |
433 | invalid_url The URL supplied is invalid | 400 |
434 | too_many_duplicate_objects Too many duplicate objects have been detected | 400 |
435 | insufficient_objects Insufficient objects have been detected | 400 |
436 | voucher_expired This voucher has expired. | 404 |
437 | spar_zw_oauth_exception We are having technical difficulties and our support team is looking into it. | 500 |
438 | spar_zw_unauthorised Invalid username/email or password. Please try again. | 401 |
439 | spar_zw_find_user_exception Invalid username/email or password. Please try again. | 500 |
440 | spar_zw_unexpected_response Unexpected response from the authentication server. | 400 |
441 | parameter_missing A parameter is missing. | 400 |
442 | oil_demandware_unexpected_response Error creating user in remote system - Talend OIL. | 400 |
443 | oil_demandware_password_invalid The password does not meet the requirements. | 400 |
444 | oil_demandware_user_already_exists There is already an account using this email address. | 400 |
445 | sandwich_oauth_exception We are having technical difficulties and our support team is looking into it. | 500 |
446 | sandwich_find_user_exception Error occurred while attempting to fetch user details. Please try again. | 500 |
447 | sandwich_unauthorised Invalid username/email or password. Please try again. | 401 |
448 | sandwich_unexpected_response Unexpected response from the authentication server. | 400 |
449 | campaign_not_active The requested campaign is not active. | 400 |
450 | campaign_fully_redeemed You have fully redeemed the rewards of this campaign. | 400 |
451 | insufficient_points_for_interaction You do not have enough points to continue. | 400 |
453 | object_parameter_invalid The provided parameter does not have an associated object. | 400 |
454 | magento_unexpected_update_user_response Error updating customer information in Magento. | 400 |
455 | magento_unexpected_search_user_response Error unable to find customer in magento. | 400 |
456 | magento_unexpected_authenticate_user_response Error unable to authenticate customer in magento. | 400 |
457 | magento_unexpected_create_user_response Error unable to create customer in magento. | 400 |
458 | task_not_found No task was found. | 400 |
459 | recipient_reward_discount_ratio_invalid The recipient reward discount ratio cannot exceed 1. | 400 |
460 | sender_reward_discount_ratio_invalid The sender reward discount ratio cannot exceed 1. | 400 |
461 | voucher_discount_ratio_invalid The voucher discount ratio cannot exceed 1. | 400 |
462 | parameter_mismatch Parameters supplied to do not match | 400 |
463 | first_focus_exception Webshop integration error. | 400 |
464 | entity_code_mismatch Campaign chain_id does not match Wallet chain_id | 400 |
465 | chain_monetary_threshold_not_found No Monetary Thresholds found for chain_id | 400 |
466 | voucher_locked_cannot_redeem This voucher cannot be redeemed currently. | 401 |
467 | cannot_partially_redeem_honour_voucher This voucher type cannot be partially redeemed. | 401 |
468 | insufficient_voucher_balance_for_regenerated_reward There is not voucher balance remaining for regenerated reward. | 401 |
469 | document_not_found The document was not found | 404 |
470 | wallet_award_mismatch The wallet type is inconsistent with recipient_reward_method | 404 |
471 | event_type_class_combination_is_not_supported This event_type and class combination is not supported | 404 |
472 | dispatching_request_password_reset_event_error There was an error while trying to dispatch a user event | 404 |
473 | dispatching_voucher_event_error Unable to push voucher_id into Redis | 400 |
474 | shopify_api_exception There was an error while trying to access the shopify API | 400 |
475 | image_upload_failed Could not upload file to S3. | 500 |
476 | failed_to_create_shopify_price_rule Failed to create shopify price_rule | 400 |
477 | failed_delete_shopify_price_rule Failed to delete shopify price_rule | 400 |
478 | invalid_voucher_type_for_shopify_price_rule Unable to create shopify_price_rule from voucher_type | 400 |
479 | referred_user_not_found This user has not referred any customers for this campaign. | 400 |
480 | referral_code_not_found The referrral_code was not found. | 400 |
481 | referral_code_already_exists This referral_code already exists. | 400 |
482 | referral_code_length_invalid referral_code invalid: value must be 6 characters | 400 |
483 | failed_to_create_entity Failed to create entity | 400 |
485 | missing_property An item or object property is missing | 400 |
486 | authentication_point_not_found The Authentication Point you requested was not found | 400 |
487 | loyalty_level_id_not_found No record has been found for that loyalty_level_id | 404 |
488 | colour_invalid The provided input is not a valid colour | 400 |
489 | authentication_point_entity_mismatch authentication_point does not match myprice_app | 400 |
490 | garden_connect_api_exception Wij hebben een technisch probleem met een verbinding naar Garden Connect. Onze support team is op de hoogte gebracht | 400 |
491 | garden_connect_unexpected_response Unexpected response from Garden Connect | 400 |
492 | parallel_request_congestion_exception Unable to process due to too many parallel requests for the same object | 503 |
493 | webhook_event_name_invalid The webhook event does not exist | 400 |
494 | webhook_type_invalid The webhook type does not exist | 400 |
495 | webhook_not_found The webhook does not exist | 400 |
496 | default_webhook_already_exists A default webook exists for this webhook type | 400 |
497 | input_invalid The provided parameter is invalid | 400 |
498 | id_not_present The objects id must be passed | 400 |
499 | basket_already_claimed The basket has already been claimed | 400 |
500 | return_logic_mismatch The return item quantity exceeds original basket item quantity | 400 |
501 | shopify_unauthorised Invalid access credentials | 401 |
502 | referral_relation_not_found A referral_relation was not found | 400 |
503 | referral_relation_already_redeemed The referral_relation has already been fully redeemed. | 400 |
504 | user_must_be_opted_in_to_perform_action The user must be opted in to perform this action | 400 |
505 | user_does_not_match_segment The user must be in the correct segment to perform this action | 400 |
506 | voucher_distribution_estimated The item_original_price was not provided for each item in the basket so the voucher distribution was estimated | 400 |
508 | user_does_not_match_segment The user must be in the correct segment to perform this action | 400 |
509 | user_hash_external_invalid The user_hash_external value is incorrectly formatted. The user_hash_external should be 64 alphanumeric characters. | 400 |
510 | dispatching_event_error Unable to push event into Redis | 400 |
511 | stripe_api_exception There was an error while trying to access the stripe API | 400 |
512 | existing_referral_code There is already an account using this referral_code. Please use a different referral_code. | 400 |
513 | subscription_already_completed The customer has already subscribed to the campaign | 400 |
514 | image_parameter_invalid No image parameter was provided or the image parameter was invalid | 400 |
515 | loyalty_rule_action_invalid The loyalty_rule_action you provided is invalid | 400 |
516 | business_group_not_found No record has been found for that business_group_id or business_group_owner_code | 400 |
517 | front_api_error Services API failed to return data | 400 |
518 | missing_header A header is missing and must be supplied | 400 |
519 | xml_post_expected This API call expects a XML POST payload (text/xml). | 400 |
520 | product_not_found No product was found | 404 |
521 | google_api_exception Received an API exception from Google | 400 |
522 | aws_api_exception Received an API exception from AWS | 400 |
522 | barcode_format_invalid MobilePass barcode format is invalid | 400 |
523 | business_already_exists There is already a business using that owner_code. | 400 |
524 | parameter_combination_invalid The combination of parameters is invalid. | 400 |
525 | vouchers_json_type_unrecognised The voucher_json is missing or unrecognised. | 400 |