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Environment Element


The Spaaza Environment Element provides the context and user details to other Spaaza Elements included on a page. Every functional Element needs to be included within the Spaaza Environment tag in HTML.

To include the Environment Element on a webpage do the following:

  • Add the following script tag at the top of the page
<script type="module" src=""></script>
  • Add the Environment tag to the contents of the page (below the script tag). Add any other Elements you want to inlude on the page within the Environment tag:
<spaaza-environment config="config_goes_here">
    <!-- other Spaaza Elements and HTML goes here  -->


The Environment Element has a single config property, a stringified JSON object with the following fields:

Field Description
origin (mandatory) The Spaaza API used - apistage0 for staging, api0 for production.
auth (mandatory) A stringified JSON object with details used to authenticate the user. The JSON passed will depend on the authentication method used. Examples are shared below.

The auth fields depend on the authentication method used.

Field Description
sessionKey (mandatory) The session key of the user from the app
sessionUserHash (mandatory) The hashed session string for the user.
externalIDHash A secondary hashed string used for authenticating Shopify users.
sessionAuthPointID The id of the user in the app.
userID The id of the user in Spaaza.
myPriceAppHost (mandatory) The hostname of the client in Spaaza.

Below are two Environment Element HTML Tag examples using different authentication parameters and APIs.

<spaaza-environment config='{"origin":"","auth":{"sessionUserHash":"123ghfghfghdsad4243245","externalIDHash":"7ukdsajkdjknjkdsanjk8886e","sessionAuthPointID":"1234567","myPriceAppHost":""}}'>

<spaaza-environment config='{"origin":"","auth":{"sessionKey":"168r56bhjdasfdsfds78","userID":"6789","myPriceAppHost":""}}'>