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Occasionally Spaaza makes changes to the payload sent to or response received from an API endpoint. This may include adding new request or response fields. In order to maintain backwards compatibility with existing API clients a versioning policy is put in place. The aim of this policy is to make using endpoint features as simple as possible.

Usually a Spaaza API endpoint maintains backward compatibility without requiring special flags, but in the case that a specific version is required, the API documentation for that endpoint will show clearly what is needed. If there is no information about versioning in the documentation for a specific endpoint, then there is no need to do anything. Spaaza recommends sending an appropriate version header with all API requests.

Occasionally version-specific changes become available in the Spaaza API which affect multiple, or all, endpoints. This kind of change is described in the section API-wide version information below. Again, this kind of change is designed to be non-breaking and as backwards-compatible as possible.

It should be noted that Spaaza’s approach is generally that we may add optional request fields, or fields to response JSON, without a version change, but that we will only remove fields, or change their type or name, in a new API version, and that that change should avoid affecting API clients consuming endpoints with existing versions.

Using a specific endpoint version

With most Spaaza API endpoints version-specific differences are implemented. In order to use the latest version of an API endpoint, a version header is sent along with the request to the API endpoint. The documentation for a specific endpoint will always contain information about which version number should be used if there are changes differences that are specific to that endpoint.

There are also version-specific differences that apply to all endpoints, such as how errors are formatted in API responses. These are detailed in the ‘API-wide version information’ section below.

The following header is used for specifying a version:

  • X-Spaaza-API-Version: <version number>

Spaaza uses standard semantic numeric major.minor.fix version numbering, for example:

  • X-Spaaza-API-Version: 1.4.10

NOTE that if no X-Spaaza-API-Version header is supplied then a version number of 1.0.0 is assumed.

API-wide version information

This section includes information about version-specific changes which affect multiple, or all, endpoints in the Spaaza API. In the case that these changes affect all endpoints, for example a change in the way error responses are handled between different versions, a description of the change is not usually included in the documentation for any specific individual endpoints.

A description of each of this kind of version-specific change is shown below.

1.5.2 - Multiple updates

  • New - added competition campaigns and functionality
  • New - added claim-vouchers endpoint to allow claiming (and optional locking) of multiple vouchers in a single call
  • New - added new business endpoints get-business, get-businesses, delete-business
  • New - users can now be created in add-user without requiring an email address or any other parameters
  • New - added third party id to voucher object when chain configuration is set to allow third party id
  • Improved - added default 400 HTTP response code for certain older API errors when request version is >= 1.5.2
  • Improved - added title to vouchers_created section of response to add-basket, get-basket-price endpoints (backwards compatible to release 1.4.8)
  • Improved - removed text from vouchers_created section of response to add-basket, get-basket-price endpoints
  • Improved - get-basket-price, add-basket and ARTS POSLog endpoints now return a user_not_found warning if a user identifier is passed, but the user is not found (backwards compatible to release 1.0.0)
  • Improved - added is_recurring to campaign fields in endpoint responses
  • Improved - added authentication_point_identifier as parameter for delete-user endpoint
  • Improved - member_number field can now be updated by end users in alter-user endpoint
  • Improved - added business_format to business endpoints
  • Improved - added update_if_exists facility to add-business endpoint
  • Improved - better validation in all business endpoints
  • Improved - allow birthday, loyalty and wallet campaigns to use campaign assignments
  • Improved - added return_reclaims_earned_rewards flag to allow a campaign to control whether rewards are reclaimed in a return
  • Improved - added warning in basket call responses if a user is submitted but not found
  • Improved - added template-based transaction messages to created vouchers and purchase progress in get-basket-price and add-basket responses
  • Improved - added campaign-level configuration flag, allows_end_user_to_claim_voucher to control whether an end user can claim a voucher
  • Improved - added purchase progress created during a campaign to output of get-basket-price and add-basket endpoints
  • Improved - delete-user API endpoint now allows use of authentication_point_identifier parameter to identify user
  • Improved - Garden Connect/Green Solutions integration now supports adding users with password
  • Improved - birthday campaigns now fully support user segments
  • Fixed - issue with subscription campaign unsetting Stripe price ID
  • Fixed - issue where percentage basket vouchers regenerate on partial redemption in certain circumstances
  • Fixed - issue where empty voucher distribution amount in distribution override caused erroneous total price calculations
  • Fixed - bug where duplicate products were being created in some add-basket requests
  • Fixed - issues with synchronisation of Shopify customer note field with user birthday
  • Fixed - minor issue with user CSV importer user recognition
  • Fixed - 500 error generated incorrectly in add-user when not setting a username value and update_if_exists is set to true
  • Fixed - issue where product price stored in the database influenced basket campaign promotional and other pricing in get-basket-price and add-basket endpoints
  • Fixed - issue where voucher was applied to basket in get-basket-price and add-basket endpoints when no voucher distribution was applied to the voucher
  • Fixed - issue where progress was not calculated correctly with some spend and earn campaign assignments
  • Fixed - memory exhaustion error when loading large numbers of product variants in some API endpoints

1.5.1 - Multiple updates

  • New - Google and Apple wallet integration for showing membership passes
  • New - allow an end user to request to update their own password
  • New - “Favorite Store” - added functionality calculating and returning a user’s favorite store in API endpoints, based on their recent purchase history
  • New - “ARTS POSlog” - added functionality to import ARTS (Association for Retail Technology Standards) POSlog transaction files into the Spaaza system
  • New - added cost price functionality to basket items in get-basket-price and add-basket calls in order to allow profit margin calculations and analytics sliced by various parameters such as store, product, user segment etc
  • Improved - get-basket-price, add-basket and ARTS POSLog endpoints allow item price rounding to 4 decimal places instead of the previous 2
  • Improved - upgraded unit price rounding to max 4 decimal places in receipt line items
  • Improved - remove campaign information from the get-user-vouchers response
  • Improved - added a campaign_types filter to the get-campaigns endpoint
  • Improved - added programme_opted_in to business
  • Improved - added created_date and last_modified_date to user in responses to certain calls
  • Improved - standardised custom headers to use X-Spaaza- prefix
  • Improved - split barcode assignments by type in campaign responses
  • Improved - add campaign promotion type to basket voucher in responses
  • Improved - show improved task log output in Console
  • Improved - various indexing improvements to improve performance of vouchers and basket calls
  • Improved - dummy email domain now not included as email field in profile completion campaign
  • Improved - nullify business_owner_code when blank string is passed as parameter
  • Improved - add support for Shopify authentication to get-campaigns endpoint
  • Fixed - bug when you alter a campaign via API that would set campaign fields null unintentionally.
  • Fixed - bug when checking Campaign assignments on a Basket Campaign
  • Fixed - stop get-basket-price, add-basket and claim-basket working with obfuscated users
  • Fixed - issue with calculating an adjusted basket for an existing basket which did not have a user
  • Fixed - issue setting null user_segment_id and excluded_user_segment_id in campaigns calls
  • Fixed - issue with campaign returning an error if last review date was null

1.5.0 - Multiple updates

  • New - “Business Groups” - features to group chain branches and introduce the concept of a user belonging to a business group, which can be used as a region and based on user location, and used to target campaigns.
  • New - “Meal Deal Promotions” - promotional campaigns allowing grouping of campaign assignments, and redemption in basket calls
  • New - “Client-Led promotions” - allow basket API endpoint clients (e.g. a POS or e-commerce) to define which promotions are applied to items in a basket, rather than requiring a call to get-basket-price to do that
  • New - “Fixed Monetary Discount” - promotional campaigns allowing a fixed monetary discount to be applied to each matching item in a basket
  • Improved - improve performance of basket call segment checking
  • Improved - improve performance of database exception handling
  • Improved - Garden Connect integration customer handling
  • Improved - logic applied in voucher expiry notification task
  • Improved - improvements to loyalty review task
  • Improved - add current_count field to item purchase count campaign in get-campaigns response
  • Fixed - wallet amount was being awarded for all contributing campaigns in certain exchange/return transaction scenarios
  • Fixed - issue where item purchase count progress was being issued when purchasing reward items
  • Fixed - issue with artificial user in get-basket-price call
  • Fixed - issue where double HTTP response code was being sent in certain exception responses
  • Fixed - issue where unredeemable percentage discount vouchers were being returned in get-basket-price response even if vouchers_lock_exclusively was not set to true
  • Fixed - issue where add-basket would return an error if a basket voucher was submitted for redemption twice in a single call
  • Fixed - issue where vouchers for non-promotional campaigns were not being returned in the response to get-basket-price if the associated campaigns had campaign assignments
  • Fixed - issue where get-user-vouchers was returning incorrect voucher_amount values for vouchers which had been claimed and processed by get-basket-price, but not yet redeemed
  • Fixed - issue displaying content campaigns in get-campaigns
  • Deprecation notice - All non-voucher fields (promotions and wallet) to be removed from version 1.5.1 of get-user-vouchers

1.4.11 - Update to get-campaigns

  • Switch default behaviour of exclude_inactive in the get-campaigns API endpoint. Previously, inactive campaigns would be included in the API response by default unless the exclude_inactive parameter was set to true. Now, inactive campaigns are excluded by default unless exclude_inactive is set to false.

1.4.10 - Updates to add-user, get-user, get-login-status,alter-user , login and get-card

  • Update gender field in user object to support male, female, nonbinary, transgender, agender, genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, twospirit, androgynous, pangender, neutrois, demigender and other.

1.4.9 - Updates to shopper.transaction webhook

  • Update shopper.transaction webhook replace shopper object with user object.

1.4.8 - Additions to responses to get-basket-price and add-basket

1.4.7 - Updates to add-basket

  • Update the item_price request field to change definition item price net of vouchers and other Spaaza rewards to be redeemed.
  • Add the item_original_price request field to send the original gross per-unit price of a basket item before Spaaza vouchers and rewards.

1.4.6 - Updates to add-user, get-user, get-login-status,alter-user , login and get-card

  • Update birthday date format in user_info response object to YYYY-MM-DD.

1.4.5 - Updates to add-basket and get-card

  • Update add-basket response to include item_original_price in request object for basket item and to display voucher_distribution_estimated warning for requests that include on the fly basket campaign vouchers, but the item_original_price is missing from all the basket items.
  • Update get-card response to return result_type of get-user-entity-card when API client version < 1.4.5

1.4.4 - Update get-card display for cashback campaigns.

  • Returns Campaigns of type cashback as cashback within the promotions block.

1.4.3 - Update currency display in get-card response

  • Returns a standard currency object across all campaign types within get-card promotions block.

1.4.2 - Allow float values for basket item quantities

  • Allow float values for basket (line) item quantities in get-basket-price and add-basket
  • Update parameters to allow multiple parallel wallets
  • Previous name of basket_vouchers array in response JSON of get-vouchers changed to vouchers.

1.4.1 - Remove URL format requirements

  • Remove requirement for .json or .php suffixes at the end of API endpoint URLs
  • Remove requirement for v1/ in API endpoint URLs

1.4.0 - Updates to formatting of JSON error responses

  • Error responses for all API endpoints updated to reflect semantic correction of errors -> error where only a single error is returned.

API clients using a version number less than 1.4.0 will receive the previous error formatting in the JSON returned in the error response. Documentation for older clients is available on request.

1.1.8 - Updates to formatting of JSON in get-basket-price and add-basket endpoints.

  • get-basket-price endpoint request and response JSON updated to change parameter names
  • add-basket endpoint request and response JSON updated to change parameter names
  • lock-voucher endpoint parameters and response JSON updated to change parameter names

API clients using the above endpoints should use a version number greater than or equal to 1.1.8. Documentation for older clients is available on request.