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Getting the “card” of a user

  • Call name: get-card
  • Endpoint URL:
  • Request methods: GET
  • Response Content-Type: application/json
  • Auth required: yes

Get the card for an end user. This includes the following information:

  • User information
  • Loyalty status including level information and wallet balances
  • Vouchers
  • Applicable campaigns and promotions

Version-specific information

The following version-specific changes apply to this endpoint. See the versioning page for more details.

Version Change details
>= 1.4.10 The gender parameter returned in the user_info object supports values male, female, nonbinary, transgender, agender, genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, twospirit, androgynous, pangender, neutrois, demigender and other.
>= 1.4.5 API response result_type field is now get-card, replacing old get-user-entity-card

Permissions and Authentication

This API call requires a valid Spaaza session. The session can be as follows:

  • User authentication: a session generated by an end-user login.
  • Admin authentication: the performing user needs to be logged in and have read access to the entity (business or chain) to which the user is connected.
  • Privileged authentication: the use of privileged authentication is permitted for this endpoint.

HTTP Parameters

The following HTTP parameters can be passed to the API:

Parameter Description
chain_id (Integer. Required with admin authentication.) The id of the chain for which the information is being requested.
user_id OR member_number OR username OR authentication_point_identifier OR auxiliary_identifier OR referral_code (required with admin and privileged authentication) The id, member_number (user code), username (email address) , identity in a third-party authentication system (authentication_point_identifier, auxiliary_identifier) of the user for whom the card details are being requested, or the referral_code of the user.


The following headers can/must be passed to the API call:

Parameter Description
X-Spaaza-MyPrice-App-Hostname (mandatory) The hostname of the app for which the user is requesting the card.
Accept-Language (optional) A standard RFC 2616 header defining the ordered language preferences for the request. In the case that this is provided, localised versions of field names are also returned in the response where these are defined. The presence of localised fields is dynamic. If they are not defined in the field_localisations field for the specific object, then localised fields are not returned.


The result output is a JSON array with its results section being similar to the following:

    "result": {
        "code": 1,
        "status": "ok"
    "results": {
        "basket_vouchers": [
                "campaign_id": 219,
                "campaign_image_dimension_x": null,
                "campaign_image_dimension_y": null,
                "campaign_image_filename": null,
                "campaign_image_link": null,
                "campaign_image_url": null,
                "campaign_title": "Welcome to Acme",
                "campaign_type": "signup",
                "generating_return_transaction": [],
                "parent_voucher": null,
                "redeeming_basket": [],
                "voucher_amount": 10,
                "voucher_amount_original": 10,
                "voucher_amount_redeemed": 0,
                "voucher_created_datetime": "2020-04-21T13:44:44+00:00",
                "voucher_currency_id": 2,
                "voucher_currency_symbol": "€",
                "voucher_description": "undefined",
                "voucher_discount_ratio": 0,
                "voucher_expiry_datetime_utc": "2053-02-27 13:44:44",
                "voucher_expiry_seconds_remaining": 998789778,
                "voucher_honour_code": null,
                "voucher_id": 325814,
                "voucher_image_url": null,
                "voucher_key": "b8c9f4635a601c0c242a677709341d4d707de66c63d8d8b0ba4a577f63c41465",
                "voucher_locked": false,
                "voucher_notes": "undefined",
                "voucher_redeemed_datetime": null,
                "voucher_status": "generated",
                "voucher_text": "Signup voucher",
                "voucher_title": "Welcome to Acme Club!",
                "voucher_type": "basket"
                "campaign_id": 159,
                "campaign_image_dimension_x": null,
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                "campaign_title": "Acme Loyalty Campaign",
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                "loyalty_rule": {
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                    "loyalty_rule_type": "points_tracker"
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                "voucher_created_datetime": "2020-04-21T13:51:25+00:00",
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        "card_colour": null,
        "entity": {
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            "calculate_basket_on_total_value_online": true,
            "currency": {
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                "currency_name_en": "Euro",
                "currency_symbol": "€"
            "deleted": false,
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            "id": 1743,
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            "name": "Acme Inc",
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            "type": "chain",
            "var_price_custom_age_string": null,
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            "var_price_permitted": true,
            "var_price_round_up": false
        "entity_images": {},
        "honour_vouchers": [],
        "loyalty_status": {
            "campaign_id": 159,
            "date_reached": "2020-04-21T13:51:25+00:00",
            "description": "Level 3 in Acme Programme",
            "last_review_date": "2020-04-21T13:44:43+00:00",
            "loyalty_level_id": 8,
            "monetary_balance_current": null,
            "name": "Gold",
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            "points_balance_current": 1001,
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        "notes": [],
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            "created_date": "2017-09-22T08:41:20+00:00",
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            "description": "Build up points in your wallet",
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            "last_modified_date": "2017-09-22T08:41:20+00:00",
            "last_updated_date": null,
            "max_manual_daily_amount": "11000.00",
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            "owner_code": "PTS_WALLET_001",
            "parameters": [],
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            "saved_amount": 1001,
            "spend_on_promotional_items": true,
            "tags": "sel_001,sel_002",
            "title": "Acme Points Wallet",
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                    "created_date": "2018-07-04T09:12:38+00:00",
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                    "description": "Gold Level  members get 10% off",
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                    "last_updated_by": {
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                    "description": "Convert your points into a tree that we'll plant on your behalf",
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                            "description": "Initial level in Acme Programme",
                            "id": 1,
                            "name": "Blue"
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                            "campaign_id": 159,
                            "description": "Level 1 in Acme Programme",
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                            "description": "Employee of Acme",
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                    "campaign_id": 219,
                    "currency": "EUR",
                    "currency_id": 2,
                    "currency_symbol": "€",
                    "description": "€10 for signing up for the program.",
                    "image_link": null,
                    "image_url": null,
                    "is_contributor": false,
                    "owner_code": null,
                    "progress": null,
                    "recipient_campaign_id": null,
                    "recipient_reward_amount": 10,
                    "recipient_reward_method": "voucher",
                    "supports_contribution": true,
                    "title": "Welcome to Acme",
                    "type": "signup"
            "wallets": {
                "points": [
                        "active": true,
                        "assignment_count": 0,
                        "balance_can_subzero": true,
                        "chain_id": 1743,
                        "created_date": "2017-09-22T08:41:20+00:00",
                        "created_voucher_claimed_by_default": false,
                        "currency": "PTS",
                        "currency_id": 5,
                        "currency_symbol": "pts",
                        "description": "Build up points in your wallet",
                        "element_styling": "{\"topnav\":{\"a\":{\"background-color\":\"#420\",\"overflow\":\"hidden\"},\"a.hover\":{\"float\":\"right\",\"color\":\"#f2f2f2\"}}}",
                        "excludes_assignment_matches": false,
                        "excludes_referred_users": false,
                        "field_localisations": null,
                        "id": 157,
                        "image_dimension_x": null,
                        "image_dimension_y": null,
                        "image_filename": null,
                        "image_link": null,
                        "image_url": null,
                        "is_active": true,
                        "is_default": true,
                        "is_deleted": false,
                        "is_redeemable": false,
                        "last_modified_date": "2017-09-22T08:41:20+00:00",
                        "last_updated_date": null,
                        "max_manual_daily_amount": "11000.00",
                        "minimum_basket_total_value": 0,
                        "operator_type": "or",
                        "owner_code": "PTS_WALLET_001",
                        "parameters": [],
                        "rounding_precision": 0,
                        "rounding_strategy": "round_up",
                        "saved_amount": 1001,
                        "spend_on_promotional_items": true,
                        "title": "Acme Points Wallet",
                        "total_amount": 1001,
                        "type": "points_wallet",
                        "visible_to_all_user_segments": true,
                        "voucher_description": null,
                        "voucher_expiry_days": 0,
                        "voucher_image_url": null,
                        "voucher_notes": null,
                        "voucher_text": null,
                        "voucher_title": null
        "result_type": "get-card",
        "user_entity_card": {
            "code": "500056883",
            "type": "custom"
        "user_info": {
            "address_housenumber": "46",
            "address_housenumber_extension": "B",
            "address_latitude": null,
            "address_line_2": null,
            "address_line_3": null,
            "address_longitude": null,
            "address_postalcode": "1015CB",
            "address_regionstate": "Any State",
            "address_streetname": "Long Street",
            "address_towncity": "Amsterdam",
            "authentication_point_identifier": "20091501",
            "auxiliary_identifier": "15436241",
            "average_basket_value": "0.00",
            "birthday": "1981-07-21",
            "business_group": null,
            "country_code": "NL",
            "created_date": "2024-01-26 15:08:06",
            "days_since_last_purchase": null,
            "entity_code": {
                "code": "500056883",
                "type": "custom"
            "favorite_store": null,
            "first_name": "John",
            "frequency": 0,
            "gender": "male",
            "id": 3635922,
            "is_employee": false,
            "is_influencer": false,
            "language": "en-GB",
            "last_modified_date": "2024-01-26 15:08:06",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "loyalty_status": {
                "campaign_id": 159,
                "date_reached": "2020-04-21T13:51:25+00:00",
                "description": "Level 3 in Acme Programme",
                "last_review_date": "2020-04-21T13:44:43+00:00",
                "loyalty_level_id": 8,
                "monetary_balance_current": null,
                "name": "Gold",
                "next_review_date": null,
                "points_balance_current": 1001,
                "points_to_proceed_next_level": null,
                "points_to_remain_current_level": 0
            "mailing_list": {
                "mailing_list_sub_offered": false,
                "mailing_list_subscribed": true,
                "printed_mailing_list_subscribed": false
            "member_number": "500056883",
            "monetary": 0,
            "number_of_purchases": 0,
            "obfuscated": false,
            "offline_shopper": false,
            "online_shopper": false,
            "opt_in_programme": {
                "join_date": "2020-04-21T13:44:43+00:00",
                "programme_opted_in": true
            "opt_in_secondary": null,
            "overall": 0,
            "phone_number": "+31655222555",
            "points_wallet_total": 5,
            "push_notification_subscription": {
                "subscribed": false,
                "subscriptions": []
            "recency": 0,
            "referral_channel": null,
            "referral_code": "7rzblh",
            "referring_user": null,
            "registered": true,
            "signup_channel": "webshop",
            "stores": "",
            "total_cashback_balance": 0,
            "user_id": 3635922,
            "username": ""
        "vouchers": [],
        "wallet": null

Possible error responses

The following represents a list of possible error responses for the get-card endpoint:

Code Name and Description HTTP Status Code
1 username_invalid
The username is incorrectly formatted. Your username should be a valid email address.
6 no_valid_session
The user needs to be logged in and a valid session key needs to be sent
68 permission_denied_or_non_existent
This user has insufficient permissions for this object or the object does not exist.
144 business_id_not_found
No record has been found for that business_id
149 fb_access_token_invalid
The fb_access_token passed must be alphanumeric and between 1 and 2048 characters long.
154 user_id_invalid
The user_id passed must be an integer up to 10 digits long
217 chain_id_not_found
No record has been found for that chain_id
228 auth_method_invalid
The given auth_method parameter has an invalid value.
264 myprice_app_without_entity
The requested MyPrice app does not have an entity associated with it.
265 authorization_invalid
The given authorization header is invalid.
267 no_valid_user
A valid username needs to be specified
269 no_myprice_app
Myprice app is required
270 user_not_found
No user was found
416 multiple_parameter_mismatch
Multiple parameters supplied when fewer are required
424 access_denied
Access is denied