ref: Supported Campaigns in Mobile App
Some campaign types may not yet have all their required visual elements fully implemented in the app. However, rest assured that all campaigns set up through the Spaaza Console will still run seamlessly.
Fully Supported Campaigns
- Purchases and Frequency
- Item Count
- Matching Item
- Spend Target
- Content
- Content
- Profile and Interactions
- Login
- Signup
- Birthday
- Wallet Contribution
- Exchange
- Issue Wallet Value
- Personal Pricing
- Simple Basket Discount
- Fixed Monetary Discount
- Free Product Basket Discount
- Multibuy Bundle Discount (fixed price)
- Bundle Discount (fixed price)
- Bundle Discount (monetary discount)
- Per Unit Discount
Campaigns that Require Extra Visual Elements to be Fully Displayed in Mobile App
- Purchases and Frequency
- Purchase Number
- Lucky shopper
- Lucky Shopper
- Lucky Free Item
- Lucky Grand Prize
- Lucky Free Basket
- Profile and Interactions
- Profile Completion
- Video
- Subscription
- Wallet Contribution
- Spend and Earn
- Referrals
- Social Sell
- Referral
- Games
- Quiz
- Tiles
- Memory
Image: create campaign modal.