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What do I Need to Provide to be Set Up?

The following sections outline the additional information required to set up the mobile app. This information must be provided after requesting and agreeing to use Spaaza’s Mobile App service.

  • Whitelisting email domain: reference the email domain to use for sending password reset emails on behalf of Spaaza.

  • Hosting identification file for password reset link (deep links): provide a website where a file can be hosted to make the password reset functionality work. File will be provided.

  • Setup of Google Play Console account: create a Google Play Console account to release the app. One of Spaaza’s developers should be added as an admin.

  • Setup of App Store Connect account: create an App Store Connect account to release the app. One of Spaaza’s developers should be added as an admin.

  • Setup of Firebase Crashlytics account: configure Firebase Crashlytics for app performance monitoring and integrate it with Google Analytics for marketing purposes.

  • Link to terms and conditions: provide a hosted page URL from your website.

  • Link to FAQ (optional): provide a hosted page URL from your website.

  • Link to website (optional): provide a general hosted page URL for your website.

  • Colors: provide the primary and secondary colors for theming implementations.

  • Font files: provide the primary and secondary font files.

  • Assets: provide other required design assets (logos, icons, etc.).

For a detailed overview of all app feature visit the following reference. ref: App Feature List